For the few who might not know -- because they didn't care or whatever -- Freida (not Farida), is the
While reports of her conquering the red carpet at the Oscars and bagging other meaty roles abound (there's rumour she's doing a Tarantino film. Why?), here's another feather in Freida's cap.
According to the World's Sexiest Woman survey conducted by lad-mag FHM, Freida has been voted the 10th sexiest woman in the world.
For those who might say, "What's the big deal?" Well, none really but I am quite enjoying the fact that Freida has 'beaten' former favourites like Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie.
I do have a feeling though that la Jolie and Jennifer Lowpants's fall in popularity has more to do with their being mommys rather than due to any fall in their 'sexiness'. After all beauty is skin deep and cosmetic surgery fixes everything.
For now though, desi oopmh is getting international 'recognition'. (If being wank material can be called that) The most Mrs Aishwarya Bachchan came to igniting passions -- I'm ignoring the Miss World title, that was eons ago -- was winning the world's sexiest eyes in 2008. Guess even lad-mag subscribing blokes found her cold.
While both Aishwarya and Freida cannot act -- yes, despite the Tarantino rumour -- at least Freida isn't as frigid as Mrs B Jr.
Do you think Freida is hot?
Honestly, I did not like her all that much. Atleast in the movie she did not come across as sexy, and in her red carpet avtaars, she seemed a bit too giggly n dumb! But then I am a straight gal, what do I know??? Between her n Ash, I would pick her any day, atleast for now.
PS - How do you cross out words in blogspot???
@ Goofy: Thought pretty much the same. No acting skills and at all those award-ceremony appearances she seemed very under-confident. Perhaps because it was her first award ceremony and that too the biggest. However, won't write her off yet and will wait to see more. That said though, not really holding my breath for it.
As for strike, the commands, mailing you since bloody comment thing won't let me post this with html tags.
You cannnot write them off, coz with time most get good at acting. If you watch Rani Mukherjee in her earlier movies like Mehendi n Bichho, I would have never believed she is capable of pulling off a Paheli or a Saathiya. So I am not saying there is no hope for Frieda either, but she has not impressed me much right now, and I definitely don't think she is sexy!
Not really "hot", but I find her v attractive. She carries off her clothes pretty well, too.
Freida Pinto is NOT wank material.
Refuse to be forced into thinking she is hot!
I get a distinct flavor-of-the-season feeling about all this. Yep, yep NICE to see an Indian chick up there!
I hope she does well. I also hope she doesn't become too cocky and that she quickly finds something to show off besides Slumdog!
The quib about her not being able to act is a bit harsh JB! She may not be an Oscar winning actress but she is where she is on some merit.
She may be there as flavour of the season, but is not everyone?
And she obviously is sexy enough to have made the list.....albiet as flavour of the month!
Good luck to her.....let's not bring them down so easily!
This woman is what you call lucky! Straight from an auto Malad to a limo in Milan. Acting Skills yet to be proven, insipid role in the movie, from a struggling model doing supermarket print ads to the oscars!
I waiting to see what she comes up with next. I so want her to succeed, it will be a current day fairy tale.
she SO does not cut it in my list as 'hot'...
but then i dont like women who are too skinny...(curves all the way people! :D)
maybe guys can be more unbiased :)
Oh geez! She's just Asian flavour of the month. It's just America being all-inclusive and politically correct. Let's not even talk about her (non-existant) acting skills, she's just so ordinary.
I said this before, I'll say it again, lucky bae in right movie -- that's all!
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