
the blogger. is a debut author as of July 2012. My first fiction novel Confessionally Yours (Penguin, India) has recently been published in the Indian subcontinent.

For those who might be interested/curious, you can
Read book extract: Sex, sweat and Sharon Stone
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Read interviews and media mentions here: pressed!

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I have/had been a journalist since 1999... Perhaps I'm still a journalist but I haven't done anything remotely journalistic since February 2010 -- when I found out I was pregnant. While other pregnant women seem to want to carry on working well into their pregnancies --  good on them etc. -- I found it absolutely delightful quitting work and waiting for the baby.

The baby is a two-year-old toddler now. As a baby my daughter was the best baby in the world. She hardly cried, ate most things, helped in the kitchen and her shit didn't stink. Really. Now she's a two-year-old who loves dancing, riding pillion with her father, 'reading' story books (Three Little Pigs is her favourite) and yelling "Shtop Mumma!" each time I sit with my laptop. She is still the best 'baby' in the world.

I also have a partner who's called Partner. Please note, he is not husband. We are not married. We live and love in sin. We also have a cat called Billy. He's from a farm in rural Victoria. He's black 'n' white absolutely feral and a big wuss. He doesn't have balls, literally.

Between stopping being a journalist and getting the fist book published, I discovered I'm pregnant again. Funny that sex thing, leads to babies. So now our little family is waiting for the new baby sometime in October 2012. I am super excited. :)

On any given day along with playing, obeying and giving in to all of my daughter's whims, I try to do all of the following: blog, write my second book, bake a cake, cook something nice, play on the XBox, read a book, maintain the budget, do some gardening, outrage on Twitter. Usually I end up doing about one-and-a-half out of all those. Sometimes half.

I've been blogging since September 2006. I live in Melbourne, Australia and hope someday I will live in my India again. I miss home. 
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