No one asked me that question, but it’s one of the gazillion quizzes doing the rounds on Facebook.
I can understand why someone would answer an IQ quiz or a personality quiz. You might want to test your IQ. I can see why friends would do the ‘Pet Peeves’ quiz. You want to see if you share peeves in common. If I stretch my imagination, I can also understand why someone would answer the ‘What Disney character are you?” quiz. You love Disney characters and would like to be a mermaid.
However, I simply do not understand some quizzes. Like “What is your Japanese name?” I really did not know that all of us had a secret Japanese name fantasy. Or ‘If you were an animal, what would you be?’ And what’s one supposed to feel if the quiz says you would be a red-bummed baboon?
I definitely don’t understand “If you saw me lying naked on top of a bed, what would you do?” Scream and run out because you are so ugly? Take a picture/video and put it up on YouTube? Hump you? Tell your mother?
Seriously, for those of you on Facebook and answering a-quiz-per-hour, please tell me why.
Now answer this quiz. You answer quizzes on Facebook because:
1. It’s there.
2. My internet is free.
3. Economic meltdown and I lost my job.
4. I’m gunning for the most-quizzes-answered record.
5. I didn’t know things about myself and quizzes shed new light.
All answers will be used for a social networking research. I swear.
Related posts:
Mystique is mystified by quizzes
Silvara does a personality test
Picture: Courtesy artarchives.com. It's a painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and is called, La Grand Odalisque. Oil on canvas, painted in 1814, it graces the Louvre in Paris. She's beautiful, isn't she? Quite a nice bum.
I joined the bandwagon so it's a combination of 1. and 2. :D
But I get it - those FB quizzes annoy the crap outta me. And if I saw you naked on top of a bed?? I'd take a picture coz it'd last longer :P
@ Silvara: I know; I answered the pet peeves one as well. TILL they started bombarding me with a list of 10 quizzes every bloody day.
My re-entry into FB have been quite sophisticated.ha.Havent come across a quiz yet.Unless twitter starts one.
"If u saw me naked..."is not a question to the readers,is it?Well..if tht happens i would tweet the world,i'm jb's bff. :D
my lil girl just slept sad her "bff" left school and then said she will be happy if i get her an ice cream cake tomorrow ha.(just had to tell someone.)
@ Sree: what's an icecream cake? And it's nice when she asks you for something, isn't it? (smiles)
I blocked all quiz applications from my page!! hehe...no requests no nothing!
@ TW: Yeah, used to get the requests earlier; now just amused at friends participating in random ones.
well, in answer to the question, I guess I'd have to take off my sari. heh.
@ Mad: can we please get a haiku on the sari? Please.
funny...the red bummed baboon part...cudnt stop laughin
way to go...gonna become a fan if u go on...go on make me laugh :)))
i totally agree wid u where these stoopid quiz's are concerned...but i like they do it coz it inspires u to come ut wid such colourful comments and i get to smile about it
@ Anonymous1: Hang around and we shall see...
@ anonymous 2: thankyou!
I think both of you are different..coz the language is different.
will be hangin on....but to wat pray i ask....hehehehe
whens ur next post...cant wait !!
anonymous 1
who is the "me" lying naked...after which i will decide what i would do ?
I do hate the quizzes and hate the way it bombards my page if others take it...why fcuk my page !!!!
No quizzes for me... it wont help with the addiction i already have with fcbk.
And about finding you naked in bed...umm...those are going into my coffee book on nude art! ;)
you look so much better than your cartoon...
and a ha ha for the post...
thanks for linking :D
meanwhile, everyone i know is bored due to end of school and all. so they take these puerile quizzes.
@ Mystique: always a pleasure.
hey i wanted to know who wud be the naked person lying that i'd get to see.....not me for sure...hahaha that wud be a horror...not for ur coffee table or any table for that matter...only for ur desire ;)) the tongue has many duties other then speech ;))....there is an intro to my sting...now pls tell me u didnt get stung or else i'll die...just have one sting unlike a cat wid 9 lives bee's got a raw deal hehehe
Probably just stare...
@ Double-Dolphin: Right.
I like the painting which is in this pic.
Lingerie Alley
Yeaah Facebook sure do leave dumb questions for me to answer.
Answer your question - nose bleed, eyes bleed, ear bleed and then bleed to death
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