Just look at the place... need I write more? We stayed at the White Sand Resort, Doklet (pronounced 'jok-let'). And just did not want to leave. I am grateful that someone invented the camera. Sunrise like this is hard to imagine. Or maybe because my imagination sucks. Is there a name for the colour of the sky?!
That's my thong/slipper. The crab is not a pet, though it was bloody curious.
That crab is also bloody cute!
excellent snaps ... indeed
:D thankyou. The sunrise shot was taken by Partner.
Awesome snaps!
shoot..u were replying! :/missed.
lovely lookin crab comin up to date hehe.
Not sure how to describe what I'm feeling after watching that sunrise snap....but...
...it's indeed an AWESOME picture, Jhoomur!
I'm always fascinated by such scenic snapshots (no wonder, my twitter background represents my mood).
You're one lucky babe, girl! :)
Take care!
what a pl!! ttly out of a dream!!!
All I can say is... spectacular.. One more place to see before I let loose this mortal coil. thank you for sharing it..
is a different blog about everything a little about Vietnam, I like the blog!
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