My mother’s favourite joke – the rare times she did joke – is that once I finish cooking, the kitchen looks like a bomb blast site. What she does not realise is that her joke is very close to the mark. Each time I cook, rather each moment I am at home, it is like surviving some or the other near-death experience.
Susan Miller on her website, Astrology Zone, does warn that Venus is retrograde till April 16th or something; Venus is the planet ruling relationships and not mortality. Had it been Jupiter or Uranus, I would have been more careful. While I am usually accident-prone – I don’t like the word ‘clumsy’ – it seems that for some time now, my stars are particularly badly aligned.

A little later, I was cleaning the kitchen bench and wiping away breadcrumbs under the toaster when I noticed the toaster was dirty. So I wet the dishcloth and wiped the toaster. I was about to wipe the insides of the toaster with the wet cloth when I noticed the damn thing was on. Instant electrocution narrowly avoided.
So I went to call Partner to get some reassurance that I was still alive when in my distraught state, I misjudged the distance between my arse and the chair and fell on the floor. My back could have broken, y’ know. By now I was in shock and pulling the chair slowly, sat on it carefully and called Partner. His phone was out of reach when I decided to write down my harrowing experiences.
As I typed, I leaned back on the chair – balancing on its hind legs now – when again I misjudged (must be the earlier bump-on-head) and toppled backwards. Nearly broke my neck but for my wrist getting in the way and getting horrendously twisted. Rather the wrist than the neck.
Not to mention the other day when I nearly ironed my hand while trying to iron a shirt and take down a recipe on TV. Or when the potato flew from my hands, knocked off a glass tumbler that crashed to the floor and there were glass shards all around my bare feet… And while rushing to clean up the glass, the knife slipped and fell with the pointy end between my toes.
Or when I was pouring boiling hot water over snow peas – blanching them – and since I had forgotten to cover the kettle, the steam rose straight into my hands, scalding them. Of course I let go of the kettle and had boiling water all over my chest. Now I have burnt freckles on my boobs.
While indoors is where I usually escape death, I am more careful when outdoors. However, now I have suspicions that things are changing there as well….

So there we were, Partner swimming beautifully and me doing my splash-gulp-choke-splutter when Partner’s facial expressions changed and he asked me not to move. Now staying motionless is bloody darned difficult in the ocean. Given that I was standing chin-deep in water and even the gentlest of waves make me bob like a cork, I was not happy to be told to stay still. That’s when I looked down at where Partner was pointing. And died of fright…
There have been a series of shark attacks in Australia since the beginning of 2009. It does not matter that those were on Sydney beaches and we were in Torquay… Sharks can swim can they not? Given that I’ve also seen enough TV programmes that say sharks prefer still waters – and that the ocean was particularly still when we were inside – I was sure there was a great white swimming near me. It had not helped that Partner had helpfully pointed out earlier that sharks prefer darker skin since well, darker skin looks more like a seal.

Thankfully, the big, grey stingray soon got bored of my ankles and swam away elsewhere. I, however, refused to move an inch and insisted on being carried out. And it was while I was being carried out by Partner – quite a nice feeling I must say – that I had an epiphany…
I am not prone to accidental-suicide… Someone is doing voodoo on me.
PS: If I suddenly stop blogging, know what has happened. I wouldn’t mind a nice tribute, Facebook-page either. And if you have to use a picture to go with my online obituaries, please use the nice Goa-ones on my Facebook page. I am the slimmest in those.
PS2: This advertisement for the Toyota RAV4 is so meant for people like me…
(Pic credits: 1. Baby pic, Twine.com; 2. Great Ocean Road, The Age, Stingray toon)
And here i thought I was the clumsiest person in the world. You win. Really.
Stay alive...
Ms. Tic
@ Ms Tic: :| well at least 'someone' is feeling better about that.
the stingray... though magnificent, does give me the creepers...
May be we should start of a club or something... "Destined to be Doomed" or the sorts...
seems like there are a plenty of us around...
hope you doing better now...
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Hey I was at said Apostles in Oct '08 too. And I checked out a surfer girl at Torquay.
@ Psyched: sounds like an idea...lemme know if you start one, will happily join! ;)
@ Perakath: (is not responding since it aint a comment)
wow...suddenly I feel like the most careful person on this planet...
@ Red: yes, i do that to people. :D
oh pls, not something i wanted to read early this morning.ahhh.*spitting three times*.(my grandma used to do tht everytime i said something about death..like "what if i die before you").
anyway..stay safe.and dont learn to swim.ever.atleast u can enjoy being carried to the shore.hehe.
I almost felt I was reading about my day today .. Dropped a couple of glasses ...spilled stuff .. all this when i stayed at home to help my mom as our house is being renovated .. :D
@ Deepti: I know, it is bizarre. like they have work safety insurance, they need home safety ones as well...
Oh wow...that is incredibly bad luck or incredibly clumsy :P Murphy's law right??
Great Ocean Road is AMAZING - best drive ever :) You need to see the 12 Apostles (11 now since one of them dissolved lol) at sunset
@ Silvara: been there! they were just so surreal...wanted to get on to a chopper and check them out from the air, but bad weather and worse finances prevented us from doing so... now dying to see the Daintree forest reserves..
Now that we have been forwarned , We will use this time to write nice things about you and maybe post on a facebook page .
Just a thought if you are so Disaster prone nethier heaven nor hell will have you so you are in here for a long time
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