1. ... all your friends, family, a smashing career, you travel a lot and have every other material thing/comfort you could ever want.
On the other hand you...
2. ... don't have any of the above but have/live with the man/woman who you love a lot and who loves you a lot.
Which of the above options would you choose?
No. 2 for sure :)
crap, am i allowed to hate the question?
i demand ALL........(Wails)
okay. okay..... sniff.
(noooooooo. this is hard)
how about this... i choose one... Until i meet this person who makes worth it to choose two :)
why love one when i can love many...
so no.1 for sure.
I'd really want to choose #2 but hell, i can't stay stuck to a person to save my life.... So i reckon it's option one...
been there, done that. and i choose option 2.
having said that, i am happy to have chosen 2. :)
- R.
you want me to choose between lebanese hash and afghan hash... hmmm. you know both give you a unique high and are as important or unimportant as you look at it; getting either of them is tough and expensive; if there were a choice, that is if it did exist, won't it be a utopia God did not want you to see in the first place. ;)
Silvara is the only one who unhesitatingly chose no. 2!
Go-Phish: haha, smart option; smarter still to have saved a lot before no. 2 happens...
Mr Moonlight: good choice, given that with loads of money and travelling and other things, the 'many' would/should flock to you...
Eveline: hmm...you choose 1 but you are mnore prone to choose 2...or am i wrong?
Moonstruck: are you stoned? because you have not given an answer!?
As for me... I need to get a job and quick!
I choose 2 as well :)
I would pick no 2...
Its easy to get over a material thing than a person u love... better yet he/she loves you back...
@ DewDrop & Apocalypse: and what if, because of the lack of everything mentioned in Point 1...you or your love, or both start getting depressed, fighting with each other etc?
Unfair :)
I'd choose no 2. I can live without #1 but I'd be fooling myself if I think I can live without #2.
The truth is that if we have 1. we crave for 2. and if we have 2. we crave for 1. The fact is we cannot live without either of those. The missing option is going to cause bitterness in the existing option you have in hand. The best would be a blend of both options, which does not come easily to all...
But a relationship goes through that sort of thing, right? You battle it out... I'd stick to a committment made, I don't think love can simply peter out... it justa changes, as do the people who love. And one would probably be so busy dealing with stuff that missing things from number 1. would take a backseat!
Been there, done that. So 1, I'm pretty sure.
If I chose one of them, does it mean I have the other right NOW?
I chose 2...
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