While I am still much a woman, I HATE mosquitoes with every last red blood corpuscle that I have in my body (and the ones the winged bastards have not sucked out). I am currently at my parents place – not Kolkata as someone masquerading as me has typed in the chat box – and I look as if I’ve had red-spot tattoos on my body. My legs, arms, thighs and back are dotted with itchy, little red dots no-thanks to the mosquitoes that have been having a week-long buffet on my body.
Seriously, if you are bothered by mosquitoes and need a solution, invite me over. I seem to act

Mosquitoes have no conscience. They will bite you when you are celebrating your happiest moment or lamenting a loss. They will bite you when you are killing yourself to meet a deadline and even when you are making love. A mosquito bite during sex is VERY inconvenient. First you have to stop, then you have to scratch and if you can’t reach the spot, you have to ask your partner to scratch. Bloody romance killers.
I don’t know the species of mosquitoes that are now around but I can personally vouch that these parasites have evolved.

I have seen moskies the size of my nose in Sikkim and have heard stories those could kill a horse. I am much smaller though thankfully those never bit me.

For one, there are the guerilla mosquitoes. These are the ones you will never see till they bite you.

Then are the F-51 jet-mosquitoes. These dudes attack in a formation and make a straight dive for you. So while you try to defend yourself from five, there’s another two choosing that tender spot at the back of your neck, or behind your knee, or between your toes, or on your eyelid. Have you ever been bitten on your eyelid? I have just been, even as I type this. Shits.
I am sure at least some of you have encountered the Phoenix mosquitoes: You squash them in your hand, or against the table or on the notebook and JUST AS you think they are dead and remove your hand, the bastards zoom off. They DON’T die, they rise from the dead! Some of the Picasso mosquitoes also display the phoenix trait. Picasso moskies are the ones that bite in a pattern… Like I discovered five bumps on my thigh after my video game session last night and realized the bites looked like a flower. Or bites that are in a zig-zag or some such pattern. I appreciate artistic license and all that, but not with my blood dudes.

PS: Um, have you heard of any women addicted to video games or a particular video game? My father reckons I am going to destroy my still-to-be-made family because I forget to make breakfast as I am playing a video game. If you know of girls who play games AND still manage to run families, do share. I will tell my father. Sigh. Going now, my kingdom calls.
hahahaha are u sure u hate mosquitoes?You just wrote a whole article on them.And what gyaan!wah!I never knew mosquitoes had such variety of names!lol
mwah. you be well.
Leave the video game here n go.okay.
Heh! You know, I have come across a suicide bomber variety too... these ones are martyrs, or are so frustrated by their moskie lives that they just want to die. T
hey'll sit on your arm, and if you try to be generous and not squat them and try to just make them buzz off, they just won't. They are only looking for nirvana through a squatted death.
hahahahahahahaha!!! Excellent!! You write so well!! Haven't you tried Odomos or Autan or something? Don't they help?? The mosquitoes here could well be dragon-flies, going by their size! Thankfully one doesn't encounter them as such/
Well the only option I guess is to buy a game in which you can fight against mosquitoes.Well atleast there I hope you will successfully take revenge.
Just imagine getting biten on your private parts while bathing!!I have experienced it!! lolz
nice1!!enjoyd reading it!!:-)
MAxine -- am quite sure i hate those little blood suckers, or not so little as the case might be!! AS for video game, mom has taken a promise that i will delete it. :D NO ONE has a prob when a man is addicted to tech, but if its a woman everyone thinks it will lead to the decline of the human species or the family line or some such thing.
Nirav ---> So true, how could i forget the suicide bombers. I think these are mosquitoes that have been rejected in love. wat say?
DewDrop --> These days the moskies consider Odomos to be a fairness cream... or a tanning lotion, they jump into the odomos and then go sit on the good knight mats.
BlastOff --> Nahi...my mother will hate you if she finds you that you are suggesting another video game.
Did u just call me MA??
Mosquitoes have indeed been a source of much intrigue down the ages and I even remember reading an intelect poem about the same by some old-fangled poet that I cant recollect.I have encountered those lil bratty phoenix ones myself.Aeroplane sized mosquitoes??that would take some stretch of imagination!!:)
Scribblers Inc.
P.S.-I have seen some puppy sized mosquito fossils in the Indian Museum at Calcutta...glad they dont exist now!!
Theres this crazy new racquet thing in delhi which i got introduced to a couple of months ago when the mosquitoes were feasting on me...it gives them an ELECTRIC shock! you heard right....you turn it on and wave it around and it fries em! literally! ouch! a very painful way to die. effective? YES!
Nice and good post .. .U people know ? mosquitoes are the most deadly species. Recently the Union health minister, J P Nadda asked the hospitals to prepare an action plan within a week to combat mosquito-borne diseases. To know how to prevent mosquito bites, Visit Mosquito net Dealers in Chennai
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