<-- Ideal day: baking gingerbread men and assorted cookies. They happily contribute to me piling the pounds as Partner is not too fond of sweets. I am eating too many, faaaar too many sweet things. It starts with two-and-a-half-teaspoons sugar in my coffee. In winter was drinking at least four cuppas a day...you do the math. AND to think diabetes is in my blood. Hmmm.
A perfect Sunday: at Torquay, riding down to the beach. We bought bicycles and have been riding around a bit. Melbourne has an interesting cycling culture and no, unlike India, where usually the 'underpriviledged' cycle to work etc, here it's a fitness thing. Most roads and localities have well-paved bicycle tracks and everyone rides with helmets. Implementing something like this in Delhi would SO help with the pollution. Two weeks back, cycled 30 kilometres from home to the St. Kilda beach and back. Have NOT exercised my legs that much in recent history! Felt bloody good. Yes, the guy with the book is Partner.
<--- An evening out: watching the
Black Keys perform at the Palais theatre. Audi acoustics sucked, the Keys were bloody great. Melbourne is something of a music capital here and has frequent gigs by biggies. This was my first one with established artistes and saw
Gomez and Black Keys perform. Missed out on Prodigy who performed for the
Big Day Out music fest. There WILL be a next time...
Recent shopping: during a random drive, a garden gnome from a Heidelberg nursery and 'sticky' frogs; and a cactus pot that says, "I'm a prick." --->
<--- Recent excitement: watching potted green capsicum turn red in my 'garden'. And very soon, I swear I shall murder. Mynahs from India -- the birds we see and go two-for-joy etc -- are killing my saplings. Hate the shits.
Motherhood: growing my first cherry tomatoes!!! Woohoo! (can you see them? li'l green things) -->
<--- Melbourne: looks golden and majestic when the sun sets...this is a noon shot. Despite the fact that Victoria (the state Melbourne's in) is having something of a freak summer, i.e. it's cold instead of a blistering 40-plus; I am enjoying my time here.
That apart, I'm quite excited about Barak Obama signing in as the US president and would be up bright and early -- 6.30 am Australia time -- to watch him being sworn in. I have never had great faith (or any at all) in politicians but Obama... he inspires. And he makes me think: Will we ever have anyone remotely like him in India? Recently, read an interesting news bit on Ibnlive.com that
corporate India -- Mittal and Ambani -- find Narendra Modi as the most viable candidate for PM. At least it's not Mayawati. Yet, I don't if that's something to rejoice about.

Politics aside and on the personal front, all girls I know from my school days have a baby. Or are pregnant. Or are planning babies. Or are getting married and will soon plan babies. All I know is I turn 30 in May. Sigh. Met up with Partner's cousin-wife-and-two-kids yesterday. Such gorgeous little girls! Had a brilliant hour playing with the girls in the park, catching them as they slithered down slides and didn't complain about the heat as I pushed 4-year-old Bridget on the swing. A very simple thing, but it's just a very happy feeling as you push a kid on the swing and the kid turns her head around, looks at you and gives you a grin of sheer pleasure. SIGH.
Attended a wedding on Saturday (17 Jan) and had a hard time not bawling as the bride and groom took their vows. When you see tv serials and movies that are based more and more on adultery, threesomes, single life and divorces... It's heartening to have people still want to commit to each other. I will have to invest in a waterproof mascara as there are three more weddings in the near future and I don't want to make an idiot of myself crying there.
AND. Grrrr. Went for a facial after six months -- in Delhi it was once a month -- and the bloody salon woman suggested I use anti-wrinkle, anti-ageing under-eye cream. :( Not to mention that sales girls in lingerie stores now suggest holding-up bras and waist-clinchers for "maturing" women. It's a cruel world I tell you...
Have a writers' workshop -- uni mates -- this afternoon but haven't written anything worthwhile to show them. Hopefully though, they should inspire me...
What's up with everyone else?
JB - new years resolution - to see you before the year is up!!!!!
I'm so glad you're loving my Melbourne - plus did you know that Heidelberg is very very close to where I live??!! Next time you're in the area call me woman!
Silvara!!! So good to hear from you. And er, I recognise what you're saying. It's my mistake not having met you so far... completely...but will do and MUCH before year end!! Really? shall give you a call and anyway...other than that...let's all four -- you-E and me-partner meet up for drinks...
LORD of the RINGS!If this lady still smokes give her a kick on her butt.Please.
I cant write anymore.
"my precious"!!!...
(still smokes, had butt kicked last night when while coughing, 1/3rd of lung came out of mouth)
"will fuck your happiness if u smoke".again.
the line works for me.will it for u? or tell me what will it take.
great. now i am infectin others with a potty mouth as well.
yes maxine, it works. :D
Nice blog you've got going... that's a pretty fancy world you've written about. I envy you :)
And the marriage thing... dont fret. There are tons of us single puppies around the place. You just gotta look in the corners.
LOL. Hello Eveline, nice to meet you. It's 2.25 am here and I cannot sleep. Logged in, read your comment, checked out both your blogs and will say that it has been ages since anyone, and i mean anyone's music has moved me... "fancy" life apart.
Wrt to "fancy", it's the way of life... you find this fancy, those here find the life back there exotic and a test of survival skills. trust me when I tell you...right at THIS moment, I bloody envy you.
And welcome....hope to see you around or whatever.
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