Hello Everyone,
Apologies for the silence, have been travelling and while I've taken copious notes, haven't really had the opportunity to sit down and put out a post. This is being written from Melbourne, Australia while Partner has gone down to meet his new office people. It was a better idea sitting out here and typing than entering every second store with a sale on and blowing money. Sigh, I can be SUCH a woman at times.
For those who know and those who don't, this is my virgin foray outside India and while I am superstitious about discussing plans before there is a finality to them, I can perhaps say that this won't definitely be the only one. Unless I cop it or something. It's like I've tasted blood. It's like I am craving for more. It's like suddenly, literally, 'clichedly', the entire world is open to me. Of course THAT would require shit loads of money and I don't have any... BUT. I will have money. I need to have money. Money makes the world go round. It can't buy you love - perhaps - but it can bloody well ensure you get to travel a lot.
My first trip outside India included a 4-day stay in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and then another 5 days in Australia. Am gonna be here in Melbourne till May 13th and then drive down to a farm in this village called St. Arnaud (Partner's home town). We were in KL for Partner's cousin's wedding -- an Aussie bloke marrying a very beautiful Malaysian-Indian girl -- and it was super. I have been bloody lucky and both God and Partner have been kind. While perhaps a non-moneyed person's first trip usually involves back-packing and the lot, I'm getting to holiday in luxury. We stayed at a five-star in KL - called Renaissance, faces the Two Towers -- then moved to this resort (called Cyberview) in KL's cyber city (called Cyberjaya), which was opulence all the way. In Melbourne we are staying at Partner's aunt's place and will move to his parents' place in the weekend.
I've never been one to run after money and have been happy earning just about enough that keeps me going. HOWEVER, I am beginning to realise that wanting money does not always have to equate with greed. Money opens doors, money provides a comfortable holiday, hell money makes a holiday possible, money lets you take a break and money lets you buy gifts for your family back home. I've neither been greedy nor materialistic... But my perspective on money is changing. For one, I am beginning to admire it more. I don't necessarily believe in getting it by whatever means, but yes, I am going to lose my hitherto live-on-what-you-have attitude and strive to earn it, earnestly. I've always wanted to do and achieve a whole lot of things -- both for me and those around -- and perhaps money will be the way to get those done.... Hmm, interesting development the way I see it. Let's see where it takes me.
As I said earlier in the post, have taken copious notes and will write those down as posts. Till then, let me get out of here -- my sense of dollar conversion to rupee sucks and I NEED to understand that 5 AUD and Rs 5 DON'T mean the same thing since am still earning in Rupees -- so before I blow the change in my pocket here.... More later!!!
PS: I LOVE Melbourne. No one stares, NO one.
Welcome to Ozz-tray-lia mate!
Will hopefully be seeing you soon :D
Dammit - that was me - sorry :Plna
Welcome to the first world.
earning a healthy amount of money is awesome! yes, it MAY be constructed as materialistic to uhh crave items of luxury... but everyones not supposed to renounce the world and its pleasures! i say, lets earn money (the 'right' way ofcourse!..:D)...and then spend/save it!...cannot wait to start earning!...:P:P
hey! thats the only place outside of India I hav been to. My sis used to stay in Melbourne and i hav to say i fell in lobe with that place.. well, now she satys somewhere in Queensland so thats next on my list..
i hope you had a good one!!
hey eve... i hope u have a gr8 time...
a virgin foray outside india can be an experience and umm... it did affect a slight change in my perception, I mean if you're going to a first world country you will notice the difference between the way things are run. And yeah the new currency thing can get to you sometimes, makes you feel like their prices are so bargain basement, until you are reminded that their currency is X times yours =/
Don't you wish you could backpack all over the world ? I wish to retire at 40 and save enough money to do so. Unless we're all fighting each other. Let's hope not.
Have a blast. :)
tu es lucky.
and yes, keep the conversions in mind.
Good for you JBo! Hope you have a nice time out there. You meeting Silvara?
Silvara --- What an AWESOME thing meeting you yesterday... you're bloody pretty and sorry that I didn't say it yesterday, just that I wasn't typing and somehow perhaps I communicate better when am typing things out!! Unfortunately, don't think Partner and me would be able to catch up with you and hubby for the evenin drinks as we are driving down to Partner's parents place this 'arvo'. LOL. I seem to be picking up slang by the minute but I REFUSE to give up my desi accent. :D However, if things go well....should hopefully see you again in July...and we'd do drinking and dancing then...
Avijit ---> You mean Australia? We could get into a major debate on the first world status, but perhaps for now a thanks would suffice.
Pugsie --> Ah but it changes once you start earning you know. Firstly, more pay never means more savings and then you realise you have to work REALLY hard to fucking earn that money!!!! Be warned my friend, growing up and earning is not half the fun they make it out to be...and perhaps that's why. Am wishing for a billionnaire father in my next life, unless I turn up as a gecko or something!
Black Coffee --> Say hello to sister for me, as for Melbourne, its beautiful.
Dee---> Thanks, still here, leaving this afternoon to check out the villages. Maybe i find myself a cowboy (or two) but dont think Partner would like that. :D
Ari ---> DONT even talk to me about bargains. It takes the entire joy out of bargaining the moment you realise the bloody currency differences. SIGH. But if you have the bucks here, dude, i LOVE the bargains. And being a woman, i love a city that gives me like many options to shop...
Mystique --> Thanks girl, will keep that in mind.
Never Mind --> Sure having a nice one girl and YES, i MET Silvara, Thursday afternoon for coffee. She talks really well and is fuckin HOT. :D
Eve* aka jb
Darling JB - I am outraged at the fact you are leaving so soon but am thrilled that I got to meet you :D
Plus - my guilt for letting u pay for me is eating me inside in SUCH an indian way (you know - mehmaan bhagwan ki tara hai or something :P) and I WILL stalk you further until it's settled or at the very least we get smashed together :P
Loved, loved, LOVED you without getting all obsession-like. You're really something. And you'll love it here :P Guaranteed.
P.S. don't worry bout tonight. Have fun :D 'Arvo' hahahaha - you pick up quick :P
Heh! Love that part about money and vacations/travel. That was exactly how I felt many years back when I finally induged myself with some upscale vacations. Have fun!
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