It was an overnight flight on Malaysia Airlines and early morning on May 9th, we reached the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). The flight was pretty uneventful except that my hair was irritatingly FULL of static and standing at all ends. Also, while I have not flown other international airlines – but have seen and met enough hostesses – I found the hostesses on Malaysian airlines to be very rude and have a peculiar ‘we know better’ attitude. Initially I thought it was my “black armband” as Partner calls it, but over the trip it proved to be more a case with Malaysian Airlines. More on that later…

Since we were flying into KL in the morning I could have a birds’ eye view (or plane’s window view) at Malaysia. My first impression was of the country being very, very green. Actually manicured green since all the trees seemed to have the same height. Before it could register, Partner helpfully pointed out that the trees were palm tree plantations for palm oil, one of the biggest sources of income for Malaysia with India being one of the major importer’s. As we got off at KLIA, I was a bit surprised to realize that there were no ‘buses’ waiting to herd-in the passengers, instead you walk out to the terminal, get into a swanky train that then takes you into the main terminal. That was just the beginning; Kuala Lumpur is ALL about efficiency.
The in-flight ad for KLIA says, “It’s impossible to lose your way at the airport,” and they were right. That’s something that super impressed me about both KL and Melbourne – the signage on the streets and the detailing in the road maps – as long as you can read English, even a first-timer to the cities will manage her way around. The same cannot be said about Delhi though: Imagine asking a new-in-town person to find Jhandu Singh Marg*, or locate the right house number in Greater Kailash 1. Once out of immigration, I was further pleasantly surprised that there was no rushing, stomping or fighting over taxis. It’s smooth and was smoother still for us since we had the hotel limousine service waiting for us.

During the ride from the airport to the hotel, we got a complete lowdown about Malaysian economy, politics and a rush-through of places to visit from our cab driver, Malay with origins in Tamil Nadu. Both Partner and I were super impressed with his knowledge of the situation in Malaysia and his individual perspective. Also, unlike Delhi, cabbies in KL don’t keep looking into their rearview to see what’s happening in the back seat. Education, awareness and an opinion were something in common to all the south-Indian-Malay cabbies we rode with in KL. We stayed at Renaissance hotel that was neighbour to the Petronas Twin Towers and Partner took the piss out of me since for a first international holiday, I was having a shamelessly luxurious one. And he should know, his first visit to India was way back in 2000, as a backpacker and here I was staying at a posh five star and then moving to an exclusive, manicured resort for the next four. Funnier still is how fast a human being can adjust to luxury… like showers.

Some of you might laugh at this – and I do sound like a yokel, but not going to lie – but after having lived in rented accommodations for the last 10 years (17 house shifts) and before that in Army accommodations that aren’t really examples of architecture or amenities – what REALLY struck me were, er, the showers in the bathrooms. Haha, it’s so funny, our perception of how things should be and the kind of things we take for granted. Like in our first winter together, Partner was shocked to find me washing dishes in cold water. “Don’t you have hot water for the dishes?” he had asked incredulously. I had looked at him even more incredulously and pointed out that we didn’t even have a geyser in the bathroom and used an emersion rod for heating water and it was a bit too much to expect hot water for bloody dishes.
ALL my experiences with showers in India have included either houses not having showers at all, or the shower not working, or the shower head skewed at a weird angle where it spews water everywhere but on you, or the knobs rusted with disuse, or the water pressure being too low for the shower to work at all. Or if at all the shower works, most of the holes in the showerhead would be blocked and of course, the faucet head will ALWAYS leak, as a rule. I don’t think we realize, but the balti (bucket) has become SUCH an integral part of the Indian way of life ( also because we are not as toilet-paper friendly). If once I had laughed at Partner because he had been perplexed at the entire procedure of heating-water-bathing-from-bucket, he got his chance when he sweetly laughed at my excitement over “such nice showers”. Ha, ha, no amount of reading or watching movies can prepare you for some things, even if they are just showers. (It’s nice to have a comfort with another to not feel like an ignorant dunce all the time)

A little rest later we headed out for our first taste of Kuala Lumpur. My first impression of the traffic in Kuala Lumpur can be summarized in two sentences: “I want one of those bikes!” and “What are such young kids doing driving around in such posh cars?” Cabs, few buses for intercity travel, 135 cc bikes, cars, local trains and the ‘monorail’ constitute the transport in KL. Since Renaissance was located bang next to one of the monorail stations, moving around KL was a lark. As I wrote earlier, the maps make things pretty simple and the cab drivers are knowledgeable. From Renaissance we got off at Bukit Bintang, which would be the main shopping area in KL. From small stores with good bargains – we caught 50 per cent clearance sales in almost all stores – to showrooms for the biggest retail chains, KL is like any other major city the world. However, Partner said that the city lacked in “soul,” it was much later that I would be able to make my own judgment of that… For the first few shops, after a long while I was DELIGHTED to find clothes my size. We roamed around for an hour or two in the market and headed back to the hotel since we were to catch up with the family there. Post lunch it was pool time and the beginning of my love affair with the pina colada.

Again, I noticed the lack of Indians both at Q Ba and Havana. KL is supposed to be a multicultural city with many Indian immigrants and locals and yet all day, I had hardly seen any Indians. Senior people I could understand, but didn’t the young Indians go partying? I HAD to ask and cornered the salsa instructor at Havana; he turned out to be Punjabi! My suspicions were right, according to the dude (unfortunately have forgotten his name), most Indians in KL are VERY conservative and do not approve of their kids learning salsa or such. If at all the Indians there party, they apparently usually head for ‘Bollywood’ bars!

After the sojourn on KL streets, it was back to the hotel and sinking into a very tired but happy sleep. My holiday had just started…
PS: Jhandu Singh Marg is the left turn (if you’re coming from South Extension side) before the Hyatt Regency left turn.
PS2: While there weren’t any salsa-ing Indians that I met, it made me very proud that our very own Kaytee Namgyal is VERY well known in the salsa circuits. And to think that I had written about him in the obscure Around Town (published by Ogaan that also publishes Elle, the magazine is now dead) makes me feel real nice. Shows how people with true talent will always prosper…as long as they pursue it with all their energy.
PS3: The other posts wont be this long!!!!
you do know of course that most serious journos dont take too many foreign trips because they're junkets that have strings attached.
very pleased to know that this is ur first trip... glad you enjoyed it. even i turned down every single junket i ever got.
A cool looking father (dentist) kills daughter over his extra marital affair in ND !! Shocking, chilling to the bones
Emancipation in feudal times ??
Dont remember which airline it was but there was this 8hr delay in KL and the airline people couldnt arrange for my stay.There was a doctor lady who was in the same flight and she offered to share her room with me.She seemed nice n all and I went with her.We were resting and suddenly she stood up and started talking in her dialect(telugu i guess).And i kept saying ,I dont understand what you are saying.But she wouldnt stop.After sometime she went back to sleep.Damn.KL gives horror stories to most i think.
Have stayed in motels that had rats n spiders.Slept in floors with just a comforter and a pillow.But everywhere they had showers and super power water flow :D
Nice that your have ur white armband with you.If it was another black band,I doubt you would have seen the lil piece of the world the same.Nightlife are for single men and women.Once they are married,usually men get uncomfortable taking their wife along.Changes are now being seen too,more with those couples who chooses their own partners.I know kids who learn Indian classical dance out of the need to be 'Indian' and then they gotta learn gymnastics,tap etc to keep in pace with peers at school.Temples have hindi classes,bal vikas,yoga etc which are all nice in a way.A little India without worrying about water and buckets.
Ok..lemme stop.Long post long comment.
If you could read the first as 'lecka',why would you or anyone with or without a glass read the same again as COCKA?!You dont have any problem with your eyes me thinks haha.As that Australian sexologist suggested,foreplay is a day long affair and doesn't start when one hits the sheet.
Go cocka!
i was looking at the sign from extreme left, standing under it and the second L looked like a C...hahahaha.... WHY did I KNOW that you were going to say something "cocky" about that one?! Bwahaha...
:) and yes having a non-black/brown helps with the perspective that not everyone is out to get you.
this is truly awesome!
somebody else has noticed Jhandu Singh Marg! ROTFL...I thought I was the only one...
Have a good holiday!
ps - ‘Bollywood’ bars are high class dance bars.
hehehehe... i know, rocks doesnt it?! Think we should all make a compilation of funny road names, though with due respect, Jhandu Singh has to be someone's name to have a road named like that, eh? As for 'Bollywood' bars, all I meant to say was that perhaps we dont want to try anything else.
PS: The weekend that's gone by, did some cool Bollywood jhatkas at a friend's bash, so dont be thinking 'Bollywood bars' meant anything derogatory.
Ohhh did you try any of the local dishes? Roti Prata(or chenai i think in Malaysia), Hokkien Mee, Kuay Teow?
About the no Indian at bars, they only go to Bhangra nights LOL
The euphoria is very very evident :P . looks like you had a great time - boo boos notwithstanding !!
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